how to set up your art corner
Through Art Corner, students can express their feelings, ideas, and creativeness! In the Art Corner, every child is an artist! It is a place that encourages critical thinking, problem solving, and a wide range of vocabulary. Through art, students can learn and develop skills in all learning domains (language, literacy, math, science, social studies, fine motor, gross motor, and social skills). It is an amazing place in your classroom if you are intentional with the materials and experiences you plan and set up for your students.
Steps on how to set up an Art Corner
step 1: Cut and paste the tarpapel that will serve as the backdrop and decorations for your art corner. Make certain that it is pleasing to the eyes of your students. Colorful images will be extremely useful in capturing their attention.
step 2: Attach the first tarpapel that you made after cutting and pasting. Find the perfect place for it.
step 3: It's time to attach the second tarpapel now that we've finished attaching the first. I chose to place it on the right lower side because I believe it is ideal for that location. Furthermore, if a student wishes to write something, it is simple to do so.
step 4: Post something that inspires children to love and appreciate the arts. Begin with simple words that are easy to understand and inject. It will help them gain confidence in the arts and the assurance that they can be artists.
progress check....
step 7: Don't forget the stationery that they can use to create art. Put as many as you can on the table so that the children can choose what they want and explore more.
anddd violaaa,.... our art corner is finally done and ready for use!!
step 5: Compile a collection of images that will provide ideas and encouragement to the children. It's an absolute must! :)
progress check....
step 6: To make the corner more appealing and attractive, use some art-related images.
anddd violaaa,.... our art corner is finally done and ready for use!!